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Syllabus   |   Outcomes   |   Homework Solutions (.pdf)   |   DataCamp Labs

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Unit #1



Lab Files

Online Tools


Old R Code



1 Randomization-based inference
    (R notebook, .Rmd)
(old assignment; do the lab --->) Lab #1 | Report Coin toss, Statkey, 2x2 table SATS-36 survey Activity | Assignment ThisIsStats | $$$ | ISRS 2.1-2.2, 2.4
2 Probability basics
    (R notebook, .Rmd)
2 Tricky, ice cream Probability Calculator
Counting rules
Online homework Activity code | Tricky Code ISRS: A.1-A.1.5 | ItP 3.1, 3.2 Khan | Youtube
3 Counting techniques 3 Buses, Nurse Gilbert
Lab #2 | Template Counting rules calculator
Hypergeometric calculator
Online solutions Activity code Counting rules Khan
4 Conditional probability 4 Infection, practice Bayes' rule calculator OIS 2.2.7 | Bayes Thm Khan
5 Independence 5 Satellite, shipyard Calculator guide ISRS: A.1.6-A.2.6 | ItP 4.1 | Roulette
6 Discrete random variables 6 Bayes, E[x], Var[x] Activity code ISRS: A.3 | ItP 6.1-6.3 Khan
7 Binomial & Sign tests 7 Exam Practice Lab #3 | Template Binomial calculator Activity code OIS 3.4-3.4.1 | Stattrek | ItP 5.1 Khan

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Unit #2



Lab Files

Online Tools


R Code



8 Discrete distributions 8 Coaches, Tests, Practice Hypergeometric | NegBin |
Poisson | Geometric Applets
Online homework Activity | Assignment OIS 3.5 | Stattrek | ItP 5.1 Khan
9 Continuous random variables 9a Robot | 9b Battery Probability dist. explorer Online solutions Activity code OIS 2.5 | ItP 2.2, 6.3 Khan
10 Continuous distributions 10 Fishing Distribution Calculator Activity code StatLect | UAH | ItP 5.2
11 Normal distribution 11 Normal practice Normal applet #1, #2 | Z-table Activity code ISRS 2.6 | ItP 5.2 Khan
12 Visual and statistical summaries 12 Derive mean and median Lab #4 | Template ggplot2 applet | Introduction Activity | dplyr code
geyser.csv | Babynames
ISRS sections 1.6 - 1.7 Khan
13 Maximum likelihood 13 Point estimates, MLE Activity code
14 Sampling distributions 14 Sampling, CLT | candy Lab #5 | Template Sampling distribution applet Activity code | Part 2
ISRS 2.5, 2.7 | OIS 4.1, 4.4 Khan

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Unit #3



Lab Files

Online Tools


R Code



15 Interval estimation 15 Bootstrap intervals Lab #6 | Template t applet #1, #2 | t-table Online homework Activity | Assignment ISRS 2.8, 3.1-3.1.2 | OIS 4.2 Khan
16 Hypothesis testing 16 Hypothesis test practice CI calculator | Bootstrap | Prop
CI Calculator #2
Online solutions Activity code | ACT.txt ISRS 2.3, 3.1.3-3.1.4, 4.1 Khan | 2
17 Two means tests 17 Concept Quiz Doctors | Smiles data | Smiles 2 Saber tooth curriculum? Khan
18 2+ group comparisons 18 2-group comparisons Lab #7 | Template Randomization #1 | #2 | t-test CAOS test Activity code | Boot median ISRS 4.3-4.4, 3.2
19 Matched-pairs, ANOVA, BEST, E.S. final example Boot. CI | BEST | Matched Pairs SATS-36 survey R code | bball | bball2.txt | marriage.txt | hourstudy.txt | hsBEST.txt ISRS 4.2