Let’s load the Mosaic package:
I put the baby weight dataset on my website, so let’s download that data:
babyweights <- read.csv(url("http://bradthiessen.com/html5/stats/m300/babyweights.csv"))
## mother birthorder birthwt age child
## 1 80 1 3175 18 1
## 2 80 2 3572 21 2
## 3 80 3 3317 24 3
## 4 80 4 4281 26 4
## 5 80 5 3827 28 5
## 6 84 1 2892 14 6
You can see the dataset contains:
mother = an ID number for each mother
birthorder = child number for each mother (1 = first born child)
birthwt = weight of baby, in grams
ch = age of mother when baby was born
child = an ID number for each child
Let’s plot the birthweights:
histogram(~birthwt, data = babyweights, col="grey", xlim=c(-1, 6001), xlab = "Baby weights, in grams", width=130)
Now let’s get sampling distributions for the mean birthweight using sample sizes of 2, 16, and 100 (to match the activity):
# Create the estimated sampling distributions (10,000 samples) for each sample size
meanweight2<- do(10000) * mean(sample(babyweights$birthwt, 2))
## Loading required package: parallel
meanweight16<- do(10000) * mean(sample(babyweights$birthwt, 16))
meanweight100<- do(10000) * mean(sample(babyweights$birthwt, 100))
# Create histograms to display sampling distributions
histogram(~result, data = meanweight2, col="grey", xlim=c(1000, 5000), xlab = "n=2", width=100)
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=mean(babyweights$birthwt), sd=(sd(babyweights$birthwt)/(2)^.5)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
histogram(~result, data = meanweight16, col="grey", xlim=c(1000, 5000), xlab = "n=16", width=25)
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=mean(babyweights$birthwt), sd=(sd(babyweights$birthwt)/(16)^.5)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
histogram(~result, data = meanweight100, col="grey", xlim=c(1000, 5000), xlab = "n=100", width=5)
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=mean(babyweights$birthwt), sd=(sd(babyweights$birthwt)/(100)^.5)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Change axis
histogram(~result, data = meanweight100, col="grey", xlim=c(2900, 3400), xlab = "n=100", width=5)
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=mean(babyweights$birthwt), sd=(sd(babyweights$birthwt)/(100)^.5)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Q-Q plot to investigate normality
qqnorm(meanweight2$result, ylab = "Results"); qqline(meanweight2$result, ylab = "Results")
qqnorm(meanweight16$result, ylab = "Results"); qqline(meanweight16$result, ylab = "Results")
qqnorm(meanweight100$result, ylab = "Results"); qqline(meanweight100$result, ylab = "Results")
We can now estimate the means and standard deviations of these distributions:
paste("(n=2) Mean: ", mean(meanweight2))
## [1] "(n=2) Mean: 3159.53205"
paste("(n=2) SD: ", sd(meanweight2))
## [1] "(n=2) SD: 403.106275087227"
paste("(n=16) Mean: ", mean(meanweight16))
## [1] "(n=16) Mean: 3156.25655"
paste("(n=16) SD: ", sd(meanweight16))
## [1] "(n=16) SD: 142.768550499571"
paste("(n=100) Mean: ", mean(meanweight100))
## [1] "(n=100) Mean: 3156.901646"
paste("(n=100) SD: ", sd(meanweight100))
## [1] "(n=100) SD: 55.8722978675263"
This question deals with high school GPAs from St. Ambrose students in 2012, so let’s download that data:
hsgpa <- read.csv(url("http://bradthiessen.com/html5/stats/m300/sauhsgpa.csv"))
histogram(~hsgpa, data = hsgpa, col="grey", xlim=c(-.1, 4.1), xlab = "High school GPAs", width=.08)
paste("Mean: ", mean(hsgpa))
## [1] "Mean: 3.27071942589928"
paste("SD: ", sd(hsgpa))
## [1] "SD: 0.552701660333363"
Let’s estimate the sampling distributions for sizes n=2, 16, and 100:
# Create the estimated sampling distributions (10,000 samples) for each sample size
meanhsgpa2<- do(10000) * mean(sample(hsgpa$hsgpa, 2))
meanhsgpa16<- do(10000) * mean(sample(hsgpa$hsgpa, 16))
meanhsgpa100<- do(10000) * mean(sample(hsgpa$hsgpa, 100))
# Create histograms to display sampling distributions
histogram(~result, data = meanhsgpa2, col="grey", xlim=c(2, 4.05), xlab = "n=2", width=.03)
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=mean(hsgpa$hsgpa), sd=(sd(hsgpa$hsgpa)/(2)^.5)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
histogram(~result, data = meanhsgpa16, col="grey", xlim=c(2, 4.05), xlab = "n=16", width=.02)
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=mean(hsgpa$hsgpa), sd=(sd(hsgpa$hsgpa)/(16)^.5)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
histogram(~result, data = meanhsgpa100, col="grey", xlim=c(2, 4.05), xlab = "n=100", width=.01)
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=mean(hsgpa$hsgpa), sd=(sd(hsgpa$hsgpa)/(100)^.5)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Q-Q Plots
qqnorm(meanhsgpa2$result, ylab = "Results"); qqline(meanhsgpa2$result, ylab = "Results")
qqnorm(meanhsgpa16$result, ylab = "Results"); qqline(meanhsgpa16$result, ylab = "Results")
qqnorm(meanhsgpa100$result, ylab = "Results"); qqline(meanhsgpa100$result, ylab = "Results")
As the sample size increases, the sampling distribution approaches a normal distribution. We can now estimate the means and standard deviations of these distributions:
paste("(n=2) Mean: ", mean(meanhsgpa2))
## [1] "(n=2) Mean: 3.27327650154"
paste("(n=2) SD: ", sd(meanhsgpa2))
## [1] "(n=2) SD: 0.389843061393316"
paste("(n=16) Mean: ", mean(meanhsgpa16))
## [1] "(n=16) Mean: 3.27027700123688"
paste("(n=16) SD: ", sd(meanhsgpa16))
## [1] "(n=16) SD: 0.13687828669586"
paste("(n=100) Mean: ", mean(meanhsgpa100))
## [1] "(n=100) Mean: 3.2703688114778"
paste("(n=100) SD: ", sd(meanhsgpa100))
## [1] "(n=100) SD: 0.049995418671005"
First, suppose we have a population that follows a normal distribution with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 20.
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=50, sd=20), col="steelblue", lwd=2)
Let’s repeatedly take samples of size n=25 from this population. Under the CLT, we’d expect the distribution of sample means to have: * an approximately normal shape * a mean of 50 * a standard error of 20/√25 = 4
# Let's sample 25 observations 100,000 times
means1<- do(100000) * mean(rnorm(n=25, mean=50, sd=20))
# Let's plot the sampling distribution
densityplot(~result, data=means1, col="steelblue", plot.points = FALSE, lwd=1)
# and add the theoretical distribution we should get from the CLT
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=50, sd=4), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Let's find the mean and standard error
## [1] 50.01
## [1] 3.997
Our simulated results appear in blue, while the theoretical results appear in red.
Suppose we have a skewed distribution with a mean of 3 and a standard deviation of 2.4495 (square root of 6).
plotDist("chisq", params=list(df=3), col="steelblue", lwd=2)
Let’s repeatedly take samples of size n=9 from this population. Since our population distribution is NOT normal and our sample size is small, we don’t expect the CLT to hold.
If the CLT did hold, we’d have a normal distribution with a mean of 3 and a standard error of 0.8165 (=√6/3). Let’s see what we get:
# Let's sample 9 observations 100,000 times
means2<- do(100000) * mean(rchisq(n=9, df=3))
# Let's plot the sampling distribution
densityplot(~result, data=means2, col="steelblue", plot.points = FALSE, lwd=1)
# and add the theoretical distribution we should get from the CLT
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=3, sd=(6^.5/3)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Let's find the mean and standard error
## [1] 3
## [1] 0.8174
The (red) theoretical results (assuming the CLT holds) differ from what we got from our simulation. This demonstrates that the CLT did not hold in this case.
This time, let’s repeatedly take samples of size n=100 from this population. Since our sample size is relatively large, we expect the CLT to hold. We expect a mean of 3 and a standard error of .24495 (√6/10).
# Let's sample 100 observations 100,000 times
means3<- do(100000) * mean(rchisq(n=100, df=3))
# Let's plot the sampling distribution
densityplot(~result, data=means3, col="steelblue", plot.points = FALSE, lwd=1)
# and add the theoretical distribution we should get from the CLT
plotDist("norm", params=list(mean=3, sd=(6^.5/10)), col="red", lwd=1, add=TRUE)
# Let's find the mean and standard error
## [1] 3
## [1] 0.2449
The theoretical results are very close to our simulated results. This shows a sample size of n=100 may be enough to give us a good approximation to a normal distribution.