Example 8.10

This applet presents a slightly different representation of power analysis than in Figure 8.4. For purposes of resolution, the numbers in the example have been multiplied by 10. When the applet loads, it displays the Power (= 1 - beta) for the example in the text. Use the slider to increase the number of observations until the power is greater than the desired .95 (so that beta will be less than .05) as illustrated in the textbook. At any point, you may click on your browser's Refresh or Reload button to restore the applet to the original display. Investigate how changing the assumed standard deviation (left slider) or the magnitude of the difference to be detected (right slider) would affect statistical power.

Note: The values in this applet are for one-tailed tests at alpha = 0.05 or two-tailed tests at alpha = 0.10

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